Many thanks to the parents and carers who completed our questionnaires during last term’s parent consultation evening.
The questionnaires are an important method of gathering information on what is working well and how we can continue to improve our school.
The parent questionnaire results from Spring 2024 show that under the strongly agree category:
90% of parents believe that their child is happy at school.
92% of parents believe that their child feels safe at school.
91% of parents believe that their child makes good progress at the school.
95% of parents believe that their child is well looked after at the school.
90% of parents believe that the school is well led and managed.
92% of parents believe that their child is taught well at the school.
91% of parents stated that they would recommend the school to another parent.
We very much appreciate your thoughts and ideas and will be discussing all the suggestions that were made.
Thank you again for your continued support.