We are absolutely delighted to have received the Anti-bullying Quality Mark Silver Award.
The Anti-Bullying Quality Mark is a national scheme which shows how good schools are at preventing bullying. It challenges schools to set up effective and sustainable anti-bullying
policies and strategies and to make them part of their everyday life.
The ABQM assessor said,
‘Holden Lane Primary School has achieved the ABQM-UK Silver Award because staff, pupils, parents and Governors demonstrate that anti-bullying has become embedded in life at the school.
Pupils are actively involved in the development of anti-bullying in the school, working alongside staff to establish a range of approaches that make their peers feel safe and included. Similarly, staff members help pupils to learn to understand others’ experiences, beliefs, views, abilities and approaches to learning through lessons, assemblies, displays, small group activities and one-to-one support.
This continued commitment to strengthen relationships, build resilience and prevent unkind behaviour to emerge from challenging experiences and personal stresses is impressive, considering the challenges presented by the COVID pandemic in recent years. In this time, many other schools have had to suspend their work towards achieving the Anti-Bullying Quality Mark. However, Holden Lane Primary School has worked even harder to develop these aspects of school life so that no one feels left behind and that everyone can contribute to the learning and development of the community.’
Huge congratulations to Mrs Reece and Mrs Lawrence for their coordination of this achievement, as well as our children, staff, governors and parents for their hard work in supporting our commitment to anti-bullying at Holden Lane. We are
extremely proud to have our work recognised by the Silver award and feel very much inspired and motivated to continue strengthening our anti-bullying policy and practice to secure the Gold Award.