We are absolutely delighted to have received the Anti-bullying Quality Mark Bronze Award.
The Anti-Bullying Quality Mark is a national scheme which shows how good schools are at preventing bullying. It challenges schools to set up effective and sustainable anti-bullying policies and strategies and to make them part of their everyday life.
The ABQM assessor said,
‘Holden Lane Primary School achieved the ABQM-UK Bronze Award because staff, pupils, parents and governors demonstrated that anti-bullying is a whole school priority in which they all play an active role. Pupils are actively involved in the development of anti-bullying in the school. As a result of their work, the school has established a range of approaches to make sure that pupils feel safe and included.’
Huge congratulations to Mrs Reece for her coordination of this achievement, as well as the children, staff, governors and parents for their hard work in supporting our commitment to anti-bullying at Holden Lane.
We are extremely proud to have our work recognised by the Bronze Award and feel very much inspired and motivated to begin working towards achieving the ABQM-UK Silver Award.